Monday, March 12, 2012

"Surprise" Party

Tonight my friends Kati and Matt ventured to Kan Pai for our weekly Monday night dinner. This has quickly become my favorite time of the week. It is a laid back, chilled out way to start the week. Little did we know when we sat down at the table all the fun that awaited us!

I am not sure how it all began, but somehow our chef Jamie thought that he heard me say it was my birthday. I assured him that it wasn't but that it was coming soon on April 10th. He said, "why not celebrate early?" My response, "Well, we celebrate Jesus' birthday for 3 months now. I am sure He won't mind if I have a whole month." This sent the table of strangers into fits of laughter. Next thing I know, I had this birthday hat on me trying to change the water into wine!!!

So here we were at Kan Pai, a whole month out from my birthday, and I am having an impromptu "surprise" birthday party with 2 of my best friends and 5 strangers who thought I was a big ole idiot!! Before the whole shin dig started, I told Kati that I wanted to stand up behind the grill and cook with the chef. He was not even out there when I said that. Low and behold, as soon as it's my birthday, the chef asked me to come up and cook!!! I was soooo excited! He asked me to do some egg trick, which I failed miserably, but I got to cook for a second nonetheless. Below is a pic and a 12 second video of my cooking debut!

The chef asked me if I wanted a birthday cake for my party. Although I had a cupcake at dinner, I ran extra this week, and seeing how it was my birthday, I said of course! He asked me if I liked lemon cake... Below is what he got me! All 5 tables in the restaurant then sang to me! By this time, Matt and Kati were under the table with embarrassment, but I was laughing hysterically. Mind you, I kept reminding him that it was NOT my birthday. He kept referring to Jesus' 3 month celebration. Guess he liked my quick wit!

After the party was over I had to get pics with some of my guests. I never got their names, but I felt like I knew them. I learned all about a favorite 4th grade teacher named Mrs. Silver. She sounded like a great lady. Used to teach at E.P. Todd. Anyone know her? Make sure she sees this! These people are adventurous eaters too. They had lots of sushi and the bean sprouts. I don't know anyone who likes those. Kudos to you guys. I gave them the blog address. Hopefully they will leave a message and tell me who they are.

This picture here is of some of the greatest friends you could ever have!!! Big thanks to Kati and Matt for a birthday celebration I will NEVER EVER forget!

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