After dinner she just had to go to Wal-Mart. I couldn't let her go alone. It was dark and cold...What if something happened? I would feel awful. So... again, I went.
She need to go to see if they had gloves for the girls so they could enjoy the fast approaching Snowmaggedon that is due to arrive tomorrow night. Since we were in the area of hats and gloves, she started putting hats on me to see which ones looked good on me... (What she was really doing is laughing at me, and the hideous hats that can be found at Wal-Mart.
She snapped some pics of me so ya'll could see, laugh, and vote. She insisted that one of these looked good on me. Which one do you think? Seriously... She liked one of these. Can you guess which one?
1. Elmer Fudd
2. Old Man
3. Purplicious
4. Weekend At Bernie's
5. Marvel
Cast your vote now!
I'm gonna guess #2, the Old Man hat...
I'm going with #2...but I'd just say it's the LEAST RIDICULOUS one. You're such a good sport!
I'm going with old man or weekend at bernies. The marvel and purpilicious are awesome though....
I vote for #2 but weekend at Bernie's was a close 2nd. I just didn't remember Bernie smiling in the silm.
Old man hat.
I think the old man hat looks good!
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