Thursday, December 31, 2009

500th Blog

How fitting is it that blog 500 would come on such an important date.... The last date of this decade... Don't you love this date.... There is something magical that happens at midnight today... It is as if some how the things that have happened, both good and bad, in the past year just drift away into the space time continuum and we no longer have to carry them with us.

Why do we do that? Tomorrow, I will still remember all of it won't I? Nonetheless, I am excited about a new year, but there is not a whole lot that I looking to forget about this year. Lots of good things happened this year for me.

Things I liked about 2009

1. My sister and I threw my mom the most amazing surprise 50th birthday back in January!

2. I went on an awesome ski trip to Snowshoe, WV.

3. It snowed big back in March!

4. My 31st Birthday was great.... Ribs and family at home.

5. I did my first Cooper River Run (even though I walked.)

6. I went to the beach for almost 3 weeks this summer and then again in September.

7. I built an awesome new deck on my house and brought the patio furniture all the way back from Oxford, MS because I got an awesome deal on it!!!!

8. I learned a lot of techy stuff this year to help me be a better teacher.

9. I lost 30 lbs. and I am still losing... Allowing me to buy a size 33 pants for the first time since 10th grade!!!

10. All of my family made it through another year safe, happy, and healthy!

When I read over that list I am amazed! What an awesome year the Lord blessed me with!!!

There are a few things I want to do a better job at during 2010. I am gonna type a few goals ( NOT RESOLUTIONS... I always break them.) here that I would like to see happen for me this upcoming year, and next year I will revisit and the list and see how I did...

2010 Goals

1. Be a better blogger... I really fell off the wagon this year when school started back. It is a great outlet for me and I really do not care if I just have 10 readers or 1,000.
Goal: At least 1 blog a week.

2. Write cards to people. Don't you love getting stuff in the mail. I write cards a good bit, but there are several times I will see someone at church, school, or my family that I think my need an encouraging note and I never write it. Really... How long would that take?
Goal: Write a card at least once a month.

3. Continue to lose weight to my goal of 180 and maintain it. NO MORE MR. 200!!!!
Goal: Continue to eat healthy... Red meat once a week, No fast food, water, and Wii Fit at least 3 times a week.

4. Read at least 4 books during the entire year.... I know this goal may seem too easy, especially for some of you big time readers.... but I am the slowest reader on the planet. I have to read and read and reread..... 4 almost seems insurmountable to me.... Although I did read 3 just this past summer.... Wish me luck with this one.... Any ideas for a book?
Goal: 1 book per season.

5. Save money.... HELP ME LORD..... This one is so hard for me... I have a bit of a shopping addiction... I just bought a Buddy the Elf costume online last night at a Christmas Clearance site... It was only 18 dollars and I wanted it!!!! Ya'll focus your prayers on this one.
Goal: Save at least 100 dollars more a month than I am this year!

I cannot wait til this time next year. I pray that I would be diligent in meeting all these goals... I think I may print them and post them somewhere to see everyday. Wish me luck.

I hope all of you have a great, awesome, wonderful, prosperous 2010!



Karen said...

I'm glad you're blogging again. Thanks for reading mine.

I like keeping up with you. I especially like your facebook posts. You are so positive and infectious!! I really miss you!

Happy New Year to you, my friend! Oh....and congratulations on the weight loss!!


Jen said...

book recommendation: in the pit with a lion on a snowy day.