Jamie was a student in my very first, first grade class as a teacher. He is now about to enter the 7th grade and last night was his first spring concert. I was so proud when I looked on the stage and saw him standing there beside the bass drum that was twice as big as him. He played the bass drum on 2 songs, the snare on one, and a tambourine solo all the way through this Latin/Aztec type song. He did so good. His Mama B said that they are wanting him to march next year. Anyone who knows me knows that I am more than excited about the possibility of going to see that.
Jamie is a great kid, or should I say young man. Back in the first grade he was so so smart and now he is continuing to shine in middle school.
Funny story I remember about Jamie... At the end of his year I got them to draw a picture of me in a journal and write me a letter. Before he drew his picture he asked, "Can we draw you skinny?" I laughed and asked him did he think I was fat? He said, "kinda." He then said, "If we don't draw your fat can we at least draw the nose hairs?" I laughed til I cried. Kids will keep you humble that is for sure.
A big special thanks to Mama B for inviting me and to Papa W for helping me get in the door. You guys are great. If you ever need a hand, just call!
Jed! You are so funny! For this boy and his family to invited you to his concert after all these years means that you must have made a strong impression. I mean in a good way!!!! :-) What a priviledge you have to lead these children! I know God will bless you abundantly!!
I LOVE the fat and nose hair comments!!! That is priceless!!
Love, KK
The first sennior I taught at BHS are now 40 YEARS OLD! OUCH! Time flies when you are having fun! What a great story. Some kids you never forget and they don't forget you. I love how they only remember the good stuff about you!
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