Monday, October 1, 2007

Sitting on the Porch/ My New Job!

I don't know if you all remember back before the big flight across the pond about my blog entry from my mom's front porch.... I wrote about all the sounds I would miss... As I sit in the very chair where I wrote that first blog....all I can say is... It's good to be home!!!

Many of you have asked about my new job... It is quite an amazing and huge task I have before me.. I was asked by a local school district to be the project manager for a traveling educational exhibit that would be in our county from now til January. I am responsible for promoting the exhibit in all the schools, scheduling the exhibit, and managing the site each day.... If you are interested in knowing more about the exhibit email me at

It really is an amazing opportunity... definitely one I would not have ever been given a chance to do as a classroom teacher. Funny how things just seem to work out "ain't it."

O well gotta run... Please don't give up on my blog.... I will have access to Internet at home soon enough., but for now the blogs will be a bit more sporadic than I like... I will write more soon!


Megie said...

Congrats! on the new job. It really sounds like fun and you'll get to meet different people. Cool.


DADDY said...

I never had any Doubts that the good LORD would land you on your feet running GOOD LUCK !!!

George Wright said...

Promotin ejukashun? Won't never werk. Git U a real job boy!

Hey -- there's still an open invitation for you an Matt for ribs at our house... Saturday afternoons are usually good, but let's firm up a date..??..

George and Jill

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear all is working out according to God's perfect plan. - Amy

jkstrib said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying this new adventure. God is indeed good. I love it when He does things we would have never thought of!!