Friday, January 13, 2012

Who Has The "Runs"

The other day I was asked by a Twitter running friend to participate in an interview for his website "Who Has The Runs." These are the questions he asked, so I thought I would share them with you here.
You can see others and myself he has interviewed here or follow him on Twitter here.

  • Why do you run?
  • I run for so many reasons I cannot even begin to type them all. At first, I ran to lose weight. Then I ran because I felt better. As I kept going, I ran so I could eat... Now, I run because it is who I am! I LOVE IT!

  • How long have you been running? How did you get started? Why did you choose running over other activities?
  • March of 2012 will be 2 years of running. I got started to lose weight after bad bloodwork. I chose running because it was the fastest and best way to get off the weight.

  • How do you motivate yourself to run regularly? What about on the days the weather is bad or your are feeling particularly lazy?
  • My motivation to run on the lazy, cold days is that I know that I would feel worse for not running than I would if I just endured the weather and the laziness through the run... So, I get out there and do it!

  • Do you use a running coach, or read any books to aid in your training?
  • I have read all of Dean Karnazes books and Born To Run. I am addicted to Runner's World and Running Times. I often reread the old issues while I am waiting on the new one to come.

  • How do you fit running in with your daily schedule?
  • I am a school teacher so it is very difficult to get the run in before school. I pack my running gear everyday and take it to school. When the last student leaves, I change like Superman in a phone booth. I get my work done and then I am out on the road!

  • Do your friends and family support your running or think you are crazy?
  • At first, they thought I was insane... Now that they see this new, improved, healthy me, they want to get in on the fun!

  • What is your favorite running terrain (road, trail, treadmill)?
  • I like the road. The cars, people, and places that pass by keep me entertained. I get kind of bored on the trails here, and the tread mill is about the worse form of torture known to man!!!

  • What is the hardest race you’ve run to date?
  • Last summer I was in Kentucky on mission trip with my church. It was Late June, VERY HOT and VERY HILLY. I attempted to run 8 miles everyday after hanging sheet rock for 8 hours a day. I about killed myself. My pace was HORRENDOUS, but I ran nonetheless!

  • What is the most enjoyable race you’ve run to date?
  • It would have to be the Lake Lure Dam Run 10k in Lake Lure North Carolina. It was a VERY CHALLENGING mountainous road race, but the finish line was on the shore of a man made beach nestled in the mountains. The atmosphere at the finish line was the best. Very family friendly, lots of activities for the nonrunners, and good food for finishers.

  • Have you ever been injured due to running? What were the ramifications?
  • I had a strained IT band the week before my first marathon. I ran the marathon anyway and it just made it worse. I saw the chiropractor and massage therapist almost daily for 2 weeks. It took about 5 weeks til I was running normal again.

  • Do you use any music or run tracking devices when you run, or are you a naked runner.?
  • Naked all the way!

  • How do you get yourself through the difficult parts of your runs? Do you have a personal mantra or do you just give up?
  • Honestly, I just picture the old, over weight me, and I just push through!. I don't ever want to go back!

  • A lot of runners know that “Who has the runs” has a double meaning. How do you deal with the occasional “problem” that plagues every runner at one time or another?
  • To quote the world famous runner Mr. Gump, "When I had to go, I went!"

  • What advice would you give to someone thinking about taking up running?
  • Even if you run just half a mile, that is farther than you went sitting on the couch! GO FOR IT!

  • What is your next big race?
  • Myrtle Beach Full Marathon, February 18th

  • What is your immediate running goal?
  • LOL... To get through my 14 miles in the morning in spite of the 20 degree forecasted low!

  • What is your ultimate running goal?
  • I would love to conquer a 50 miler or longer. I don't have a specific run in mind though. Maybe I will just run the distance one Saturday for fun.

  • Do you have a way we can keep track of your progress (Twitter, Facebook, Blog, etc)
  • Blog:
    Twitter @mrdearybury1

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