Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

It's my blog, and I'll blog what I want to... Of course I just sang that to the tune of the 1963 classic by Lesley Gore. LOL. If you don't get it, that's what Google is for!

Since today is my special day I thought I would take a minute to tell you about some of the most memorable birthdays I have had.

10- I went to Carowinds because my birthday fell on spring break, as it often did. I took some of my best friends at the time with me. I threw a BIG OLE fit when we got in the park because this kid named Jimmy seemed to be getting all of the attention. We rode the ride he wanted to first and it made me mad!!! Don't worry, I'm not bitter!

16- Universal Studios with the BSHS band. At the stroke of midnight I was asleep at the back of the bus and was awakened by the sound of all my friends singing to me. Unforgettable day!

21- My girlfriend at the time, along with some really great friends and an awesome family threw me the absolute best surprise party ever. I don't know if that one will ever be topped!!! Very elaborate scheme to get me there, and I was totally caught off guard! Everyone I had ever know was at that party!!!

22- SpongeBob birthday party at Southside Christian School given by Karen Ketterman and her first graders. The cake looked like SpongeBob walked right out of the TV and laid down on the pan. Totally surprised by this one!!!

23- I spent this birthday in a mud hut in a West African village. I was there as a semester missionary. It was just me, Matt, some chickens, and a whole bunch of villagers. The chief gave me one of his chickens. My mom sent me some Chef Boy'ardee Spaghetti and Meatballs that we saved just for that day! It was awesome!

30- HUGE family and friend gathering at a local BBQ joint planned by my mom, sister, and Matt. Family and friends roasted me. It was hilarious. It was so great seeing everyone together. Great food too! Earlier in the day 2 great coworkers threw me a "ketchup" party. They had my students make me cards in the shapes of ketchup bottles, they gave me all kinds of ketchup, and even made me a ketchup pack necklace! AWESOME!

32- Ran my first 5k on my big day! I have no idea what I did that night. I was on cloud 9!

33- Today, I am so thankful for another year! In honor of the big day my church is moving to 3 services so I have to get up extra early, which means more of the day to celebrate!!! After church some great friends and I are headed to Lake Jocassee for the day. It is supposed to be GREAT weather! Family dinner will be tomorrow night!

You may sing now!!!

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