Monday, April 25, 2011

10 @ 10

I told you last week that I was playing my trumpet in Beauty and The Beast performed by the Boiling Springs High School Drama department. The rehearsal are from 6-10 each night that we rehearse. That is just for the orchestra. The actors put in a TON more time. In an effort to keep me in a positive mood about being at practice so late I tried to think of 10 positive things about not getting home til 10. Here are the best things I could come up with.

1. There is no traffic on the way home or in my neighborhood.

2. If I need to hit the drive-thru, there is not a wait.

3. The housework that is waiting can continue to wait. Who starts cleaning at 10 right?

4. DVR records all my shows so I can watch them the next day and actually save time fast forwarding through the commercials.

5. I get to go straight to bed when I get home!

6. Any laundry needing folded will still be there in the morning. It doesn't matter if I have to leave it in that basket in the floor or stacked up on the ironing board one more night!

7. I don't have to return any voice mails, because it is too late!

8. I don't have to listen to any bouncing basketballs or motorcycles from the neighbors because they are already tucked in!

9. It is really cool, crisp air when I walk out to my car after practice...not like that muggy mess that was here this afternoon!

10. I am not still there til 11 like the rest of the cast!

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