1. You can do anything you set your mind to!
2. It is all about pace!
3. Go with a group. You'll keep up because you don't want to be left behind.
4. Have some family cheering somewhere along the way.
5. Thank the water people.
6. Read every sign you pass. It is entertainment!
7. Talk to those around you, you may need them.
8. If someone sticks an orange in your face, take it.
9. Don't throw a green banana down, anything tastes good at mile 20.
10. Throw your cup in the trash box and not at the volunteer.
11. Look before you spit.
12. Look before you shoot a rocket.
13. Push through the pain.
14. Watch the curves and potholes.
15. Ignore what you have heard about the 20 mile wall... just keep going!
16. Did I mention that it's all about pace?
17. Don't rush down the hills. The faster you get to the bottom, the faster you have to go back up.
18. When you run with 19,000 people, you will bump into someone. Get over it.
19. Chuggin' water while you run = choking! Take small sips.
20. Cheer for the little kids who stand along the route and cheer for you!
21. Band-aids are your friend!
22. If the stuff in your pockets is getting on your nerves, give it to a volunteer at mile 24.
23. When the last 3 miles are uphill, just know your thighs are gonna bless you out!
24. When there are no fans on the last mile, cheer for yourself, you are almost there!
25. When you cross the finish line, get out of the way so you don't get run over.
26. When you finish, you become part of a small group of humans... If it was easy, everybody would do it!
... .2... Be prepared to do it all over again... It is totally worth it!!!
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