Sunday, September 19, 2010

Operation Christmas Child and Matthew West

Friday night's concert was AWESOME... What would you expect when you mix the artist of my favorite Christian song, Matthew West- Only Grace, with my favorite ministry in the whole world....Operation Christmas Child.

WOW... I was so excited. We gave out over 600 boxes to be filled and got to introduce a lot of church people to OCC. How in the world do they not know? I guess the same way that there are people who live all around us who do not know about Jesus...

Below are some pics from the event. You'll see the pic of the auditorium... It was full. We chose to sit all the way at the back and we loved our view!

If your church does not participate in Operation Christmas Child and you would like to get it started, let me know... I CAN HELP!!!!!

If you don't attend a church and would like to help, leave a comment and I will get you some info.

56 days til Collection Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kathy Schriefer said...

Thanks for posting these pictures--how great to see them! Thanks so much for all you're doing for Operation Christmas Child. I'm an area coordinator for OCC up here in Erie, PA (Northwestern PA) and got to hear Lejla Allison speak on Saturday night about what it meant to her to receive a shoebox as an 11-year-old in war-torn Bosnia. That shoebox gift led her to Jesus! We're hosting a giant shoebox packing party up here next Saturday and praying to pack 10,000 boxes in one day. You can check on my blog (which is not anywhere near as cool as yours) at What a joy to serve the Lord through OCC, isn't it?

Weihnachten im Schuhkarton said...

Greetings and blessings from OCC Switzerland!