Thursday, October 18, 2007


Aren't you glad for good friends.... I am not talking about people who you just casually know, or occasionally talk to. I am talking about people who you can call in a moment's notice for help.... people who are there for you no matter what..... people who aren't related to you but seem like they should be.....people who know you and all your faults and still choose to love you and hang around..... Family members don't really have that choice, but friends do... They can come or go..But a good will stay no matter what.

God knew we would need these people... Sometimes we need families...and then sometimes friends just seem to be there in a whole different way. I am so glad He put some REALLY good friends in my life... I guess He knew I needed some "extra" help.

In the past month I have grown a tremendous amount, and I have learned to appreciate friendships in a whole new way... If you are my friend, consider this a public thank you for your love and support the over the past month... I could not have transitioned so easily without you!!!

Below are the names of a few I want to thank....
"IIIII Knnoow"
My Church Mama's ( you KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!)
The Vintage 21 Message Receiver (This is you Sterling!!!)

and of course all of you faithful readers!!!

You guys are the best!!!!


Anonymous said...

God is great! he knows exactly what friends you need at that moment and what friends you are still going to run into in the future...

Sterling said...

now jed, what in the name of me are you blogging know you should be in my house, and your stylish beard is among the worst ive ever fun unless youre laughing at how dumb the devil is..

Anonymous said...

I was so excited to see your exhibition in the newspaper. All the comments were great. When things didn't work out before, we all knew God would honor your obedience in a special way. Wow!! It was like opening your best Christmas gift! What a surprise and it soooo fits you! Please keep us all up to date on your travels with the trees. Sounds like a great children's book. Love you, Linda Holliday

Megie said...

I love you Jed.