Saturday, May 21, 2011

Upward 2011

Believe it or not, today is the last day of the Upward 2011 Soccer Season. I feel like we just barely got started, and here we are at the end... Time flies doesn't it? This is actually the end of my 4th Upward season. You would think by now I would feel a little more confident in my coaching abilities, but I get nervous before every game. The great thing about Upward coaching is that it is way more about building relationships with parents and students rather than winning, winning, winning. Talking, encouraging, and relationship building I am good at...winning, not so much!

This season has been fun to say the least. We haven't won a game, but the boys have had a ball. Most of the team are beginner players so we have had to learn a lot of fundamentals. Their dribbling and passing has gotten TONS better, and they are working on staying more attentive to the ball.

A BIG SHOUT OUT to Ryan Shelton from church for stepping up and being a FANTASTIC assistant in our time of need... AMRBC folks we should never be in need of coaches. If I can run 6 miles after teaching all day and then go to an hour long practice, then run 13 miles to the game on game day and coach for an hour, then surely you can find time to be there too. Sign up NOW for next season!!!

Congrats on a fun season boys. JJ, Braylen, Michael, James, Nicholas, Stephen, Mason, Gomez, "Mohawk, Austin, and Logan...Have a great summer boys... See ya next year!

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