Maybe tomorrow I will have something to say. I am suffering from a temporary block in my ability to communicate via the blog. I am sure that some kid will say something hilarious tomorrow that will get me going again. Until then... You fill in the blanks. Tell me 5 things I need to know about you. 5 favorite movies, foods, sports... Maybe the 5 things you like best/least about the blog... Maybe 5 things you want to accomplish. I am sure no one will, but it's worth a shot. Until Monday!
I had to take the challenge.
Five things I like about Jed:
1. You love the Lord and give him the glory!
2. You have a positive attitude.
3. You love your mama. :)
4. You are sentimental.
5. You're a good friend.
Have a blessed Monday, my friend!!
2) Favorite color is blue
3) LOVE Christmas
4) Hope people see me as an encourager
5) I was really surprised to find you speechless
My five random facts
1 - Dirty Dancing is one of my favorite movies. You should have seen me when Patrick Swayze surprised a bride on Oprah -- I cried!
2 - Donny Osmond and Shaun Cassidy were my pre-teen crushes and I still go nuts when I see them on TV!
3 - Easter candy is a real weakness of mine. I ove Robin's Eggs, Peeps (the bunnies are best), and Reese Eggs
4 - I can get a good sunburn from a full moon.
5 - In my next life, I want to be a cake/cookie decorator...and be REALLY good at it. Love watching Cake Boss and Amazing Cakes!
Bonus Fact:
Saying "nobody will do it" is a sure fire way to make me do something...thus this comment on your blog! I love proving people wrong :)
1. I am excited for Easter weekend.
2. The salmon we had for dinner tonight was good.
3. We spent way too much money this weekend.
4. I love my family. Husband, kids, parents, siblings, all of 'em!
5. If I ever go back to work full time I am hiring a housekeeper.
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