Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Break

Shhhhhh...... Can you hear it???..... It is the collective scream of joy from every teacher for the relaxation that is flowing through their bodies right now..... Words cannot express the excitement that is before me as I think about 2 weeks off from school. I LOVE my job, do NOT get me wrong, but every one loves time off.

I only have one thing to do today, so the rest of the day will be spent sitting around and enjoying my house. What do you do when you stay home all day? I cannot decide if I want to clean, organize, get involved in a TV marathon, or watch a season of Mama's Family on DVD...

Help me decide... Don't worry, if you don't decide today.... I HAVE TOMORROW TOO!!!!!!!!!!! and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next.....etc. etc.


Barbara Hoffman said...

Amen Brother... I love Christmas Break.... it was so freeing to think last night I didn't have to cut, plan, or do anything for today except put my PJ's on! Have a great break and a Merry Christmas! Good job last night!

Unknown said...

CLEAN first so that you can truly relax in a clean good smelling house. ENJOY!!!


MillerFourWays said...

lol personally.....i like to get all my cleaning done so I have the rest of my vacation (sadly I dont get those anymore) lounging around. my two cents worth :) whatever you do, enjoy it to the fullest!

Jennifer said...

Hey, I gave a job last night that would take all your Maybe by the time he goes back to school he will be stylin.. I have to say when I got home last night he had change from the black pants to jeans w/ still the black top on and it really good... Thanks for all that you do, he enjoys y'all so much...

Unknown said...

Enjoy the Well deserved Break!!! Dealers Choice!!!