Thursday, November 8, 2007

National Board Teacher's Certification

As many of you know.... the last year, plus.. of my life was spent on the process of applying for my National Board Teacher's Certification...

It is an extremely long process that involves lots and lots of writing and reflecting on your teaching ability. It is it then finalized with a 3 hour long exam. The whole process takes about a year and then you wait for months on the results.... I received my official notice from the National Board office last night at 10:30 telling me that scores would be posted at 9 am on Friday....

My stomach immediately tied in knots.... At first I thought the email was my score report, then I realized it was telling about the score posting... I was so shocked to receive this email because the scores are normally posted the week of or following Thanksgiving....

Pray for my and other candidates calmness and peace as we await 9 am tomorrow. I am really putting myself out there by telling you this because now all of you will be awaiting my results with me...that means if I do not get the certification then I will have to tell you guys too....

If I do not certify, I do have 2 more years to keep trying, so its not the end of the world....I will just feel like that for a few days... Hopefully I will have some good news to share with you tomorrow morning.. Please check back tomorrow for the results!!!!!!!!!!

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