Sunday, July 22, 2007

Inside Out

Sometimes you hear the name of a group and wonder where it came from.... For weeks now I have heard about the group of youth that meets here at Quest Community... The name of their worship time is called Inside Out.....

I admit to all my Filipino readers, and I think there are quite a few, that I had no idea what the name was about... I didn't want to ask because I seem to be asking a LOT of questions thus far....

At first I thought maybe you wanted to turn the town of Cebu inside out for Jesus..... then I thought no that's not it...... then today as I attended their meeting I got it... there was one line in a song they sang that said "Lord consume us from the inside out"....... WOW I said as I heard the song and realized that's what the groups focus was.... Of course I knew it was something about Jesus.... but it just didn't click until I heard the song....

After hearing the song and pondering the meaning of it I could not help but think about how many churches back home.... you know the ones..... that think you should come to church all cleaned up... no sin... no problems.... no nothing .... but your tie and your bible, looking the part of a "good Christian"...... ok not all of them make you wear a tie... but the no sin.... no problems is almost everywhere......

I hate to say this...but that's all wrong...... we should have all the nastiest looking people lined up at our doors every week.... I don't mean physically ugly or dirty... I mean the gays, the lesbians, the alcoholics, the drug users and pushers, the harlots, the prostitutes, the fast talkers, the abusers, the molesters, the liars, the thieves, ....... those who don't know the Lord...

Then as they enter bring them to Jesus.... and let Him clean them up from the inside out...... The next time someone walks into your midst at church that doesn't look like they belong there.... then dance and shout praise to the Lord..... He is bringing someone in who needs to be cleansed by the blood He shed..... If not for that blood.... I..... we.... would all be just as filthy.


Ashley Skipper said...

We have had a little family (Grandma, mom, and two small children) that lives in our church's community come to vist lately. They deffinetly are different from those who come every Sunday. Rick and I have been talking about how wonderful for someone in the community to come to church. That is what it is all about. Those women need Jesus.

DADDY said...

Son One of the best post that I have read here Words like that CONNECT with people.. Who would have ever know that you would be 1/2 way around the world we WE made a better connect!!!

George Wright said...

Hey Guys,

It was good seeing you online today. What a surprise when I logged into the AMRBC computer, and there's Matt and Jed staring at me... Hang in there with the heat, and know that we're praying for you.

George and Jill