Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Spurrin You On" - Day 3

Yesterday, when my buddy Kevin responded to his "spurrin on" I could tell he was encouraged....I thought to myself..... "That's what its all about...." Building one another up so we will be encouraged in the faith....

I was listening to the news this morning and all they were talking about was Alberto Gonzales and some judges he fired...... My guess is that none of us really know what "Alberto" does, but the news anchors were tearing him down something awful, and almost seemed to have a smile on their face while they were doing it.....Is that really the way the reporters want to live their life???

I will be the first to admit I have said negative things about people, who hasn't?????? But I am learning more and more everyday that Proverbs 15:4 is SOOO true. I want to be a tree of life, not one that crushes a spirit......

That said, I hope to "spur on" a special person at my church named Tony Waddell!!!!

Tony is the most amazing, dedicated, determined, hardworking committed, devoted, enthusiastic, hard-working, old faithful, purposeful, wholehearted person I know!!!!!

Over a year ago, maybe 2 actually, Tony lost one of his legs due to a medical condition. He was in the hospital for awhile, but after he was out, he was right back in the choir singing his heart out for the Lord every Sunday.....It was so moving for me every week to see him "crutch" his way down that aisle and up the steps to his seat..... WHAT AN EXAMPLE!!!!! He with his one leg and crutches, was MORE faithful than some our perfectly healthy members.... (FYI: humble reminders that we need to be faithful church members should also be considered "spurring you on" if that applies to you)

Now, I really felt like I got to know Tony's heart during that time and I can honestly say that he was NOT doing that for show, but for GOD'S GLORY!!!!! He was literally a living testimony of God's faithfulness....... His wife Shirley was just awesome, still is!!!! She was by his side the whole way... Through this they both showed me how to one day really fulfill the vows "in sickness and in health!!!"

I am happy to say that since that time, Tony has a prosthetic leg and is walking without crutches...He continues to be a blessing to me every time I see him walking.... I try to tell him as much as I can, but sometimes in the busy rat race of Sunday morning, I forget..... I honestly do not know if he even reads me blog. I don't have his or Shirley's email or I would send them this.... Maybe some of choir members who read can send it to him!!!!

Tony and Shirley, I love you guys.... I hope that you feel "spurred on" today!!!!

1 comment:

KJA said...

Faithful again as he sat in the pew behind me at church tonight. For those who missed it, GOD HAS A FULL PLATE FOR THE CHURCH AND EVERYONE IN IT!!!!!!! HOLD ON, I guess as I read your blog tonight it hit me that, as You and "Where's Matto", go on your journey and are receiving God's blessings, I hope you will feel the blessings from a far that God has planned for our church. Oh how we will see the harvest of the seeds ya'll have planted......